I was doing some research(and by research I mean that I was on Youtube) and found that many of the clips posted for Inglorious Basterds had been flagged. The stated reason for said flagging is content. I tried to think of sex scenes in the film and came up empty. Naturally, my mind went next to conspiracy. A theory I quickly dropped when I realized I wanted to believe a different one. The obvious reason. Those clips are so badass they could have broken the internet.

I like this theory and as far as I'm concerned it is the most plausible. I have read about WWII  and watched documentaries and films before. None of that prepared me for the amazing truths in the Quentin Tarintino film. For the rest of my life if someone asks me how Hitler died. My answer would be, "the bear jew killed him."

In this weeks Great Moment in Badass History I would like to point to the interrogation scene in this film. I can feel the dread of the German soldier as Eli Roth slowly emerges from the tunnel in that scene. After all the build up we finally meet him. "The Bear Jew." The stuff legends are made of.The man that Nazis have nightmares about.Think about that. The nightmare of a Nazi. The Bear Jew is revealed weilding nothing but a  baseball bat. The dread felt by the German Soldier is well placed. To put it simply, the Bear Jew is not kind.

The one clip I could find has a strange fuzzy noise in the back ground. I can only speculate that it is the very bitter ghost of Hitler cursing the Inglorious Basterds for ending the war and killing the fuck out of him. Enjoy!

THAT was badass.

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