The People's Badass

There I was, dawdling about on Facebook minding my own business. Totally ignorant to the mind blowing that was about to befall me. I see a link to a video with the Rock appearing on Monday Night Raw. Now, I haven't given two shits about wrestling for years, but I clicked anyways because it's The Rock.The People's Champion,The Brahma Bull, The Most Electrifying Man in Alllll of Sports Entertainment. Let's not forget this is the man who made the elbow drop, the most lame finishing move ever, entertaining.
As I watched this clip a truly Great Moment In Badass History unfolded before my unsuspecting eyes. As I said, I have not cared to pay attention to the WWE for years. So, I was not privy to what happened on the most legendary Valentines Day ever. An announcer comes out to introduce the surprise guest and the host of Wrestlemania.The lights go down. The music hits as the lights go up. The Rock is standing at the end of the walkway.
The Brahma Bull makes his way to the ring. Once, the mic is in his hands the magic happens.
In the span of about ten minutes every catch phrase we know and love flows from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a gleeful display of badassery announcing that he is returning to wrestling full time. If  that wasn't enough The Rock chooses John Cena as his first target. He compares Steve Austin's and his own catchphrases to John Cena's "You can't see me." then proceeds to mock the shit out of Cena.




                       I was doing some research(and by research I mean that I was on Youtube) and found that many of the clips posted for Inglorious Basterds had been flagged. The stated reason for said flagging is content. I tried to think of sex scenes in the film and came up empty. Naturally, my mind went next to conspiracy. A theory I quickly dropped when I realized I wanted to believe a different one. The obvious reason. Those clips are so badass they could have broken the internet.

I like this theory and as far as I'm concerned it is the most plausible. I have read about WWII  and watched documentaries and films before. None of that prepared me for the amazing truths in the Quentin Tarintino film. For the rest of my life if someone asks me how Hitler died. My answer would be, "the bear jew killed him."

In this weeks Great Moment in Badass History I would like to point to the interrogation scene in this film. I can feel the dread of the German soldier as Eli Roth slowly emerges from the tunnel in that scene. After all the build up we finally meet him. "The Bear Jew." The stuff legends are made of.The man that Nazis have nightmares about.Think about that. The nightmare of a Nazi. The Bear Jew is revealed weilding nothing but a  baseball bat. The dread felt by the German Soldier is well placed. To put it simply, the Bear Jew is not kind.

The one clip I could find has a strange fuzzy noise in the back ground. I can only speculate that it is the very bitter ghost of Hitler cursing the Inglorious Basterds for ending the war and killing the fuck out of him. Enjoy!

THAT was badass.

Doug Wilson, City Councilman,Accountant, Badass

I could easily write all night about how much I love the television show Weeds. Instead, I want to talk about Kevin Nealon's character Doug Wilson. Spoilers---You've been warned.

Doug Wilson may play the clown but he is without a doubt worthy of the title, Badass. This man crushes his enemies. He is also responsible for delivering lines like this: "It's like Amsterdam, only you don't have to visit the Anne Frank House and pretend to be all sad and shit."

If that's not badass enough, he also said this:"Nobody likes your wife, you don't even like her. I could stand up on that podium tomorrow night and take a shit on one of those Make A Wish cancer kids, and people still vote for me. 'Cause they hate your wife...and I'm likable."

My all time personal favorite Doug Wilson being a badass moment is one I really can't describe without ruining the moment. I have attached the clip for your viewing pleasure. NOT safe for work, or children

THAT was badass.