Yippee Ki Yay, Mother Fucker!

 Mr. Yippee Ki Yay himself, Bruce Willis. Narrowing down this man's badass moments to one is extremely difficult. His best known role is that of Supercop John McClane.

Anytime John McClane says the words, Yippee Ki Yay, Mother Fucker something badass is about to happen, or has just happened.

My personal favorite is from the most recent installment of the Diehard franchise, 2007's: Live Free Or Diehard.

The villain of the piece, Thomas Gabriel, has his arm around McClane's neck and a gun to his head. Things look BAD. In an effort to taunt the supercop, Gabriel sticks the barrel of the gun into a bullet wound in McClane's shoulder and presses down.

Gabriel says, "On your tombstone, it should read: 'Always at the wrong place at the wrong time.'"

McClane responds, "How about... yippee ki yay, mother fucker?!" Then he grabs onto the gun and fires it THROUGH himself, therefore killing Gabriel.

THAT was badass.

Yippee Ki Yay Mother Fucker Montage here


House Of Mystery said...

I was so saddened when they actually cut the "fucker" from that film, to make it a, what, 12A? Killed what could have been an awesome film. Plus, the structure was completely off. Sad times.

Chris Paugh said...

I do believe there is an uncut version we got here.