Goatees Are Evil and Spock Is A Badass

A new face of evil emerged in Star Trek episode #33, when Captain Kirk and the others were transported to a mirror universe. In this parallel dimension the Federation was an evil empire called the Terran Empire, a group out to conquer the universe rather than unite it. Terran Officers gained rank by assassination and the uniforms were silk and generally more revealing. The biggest shocker of the episode wasn't an evil Chekov's assassination attempt on Kirk-- it was the reveal of the evil version of Mr. Spock.

Kirk and his landing party attempt to beam up during an ion storm. After arriving in the transporters they step off to find, of all things, evil versions of the crew. Most importantly, they come face to face with a bearded Spock who promptly gives a very Heil Hitler-like salute. Spock is sporting the most badass goatee ever, which can only mean one thing: THAT HE IS EVIL. Do you know who else has a goatee? Satan. ["You're damn right" - Charlie]

During the previous 32 episodes Spock proved, time and again, that he was the most badass being in the universe, with Kirk coming in a distant second. They had to go to a whole other universe to find anyone that came close to Spock's badass ways and when they finally do it's another version of him. An evil one.

In the years since goatee's have become synonymous with evil, but Spock is the one who truly made it look good. After all, it is only logical.

THAT was badass.

See video here.

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