Bane Takes Bricks To the FACE!

Special thanks to Gail Simone for giving us a quote about today's Great Moment in Badass History.

Bane, the man who broke the Batman, proves his resolve via bricks to the face. In issue number five of Secret Six, Bane is put to the test by the DCU's newest psychopath, Junior. In one single scene Bane is returned to the badass he was always meant to be.

Bane is chained up and given the simple choice between dying or giving up his team mates so they can die.

"They die or you die?" Bane is asked by Junior, one of the creepiest villains EVER. Each time he is asked another brick is thrown at his face.

Junior keeps a morbid countdown on the number of bricks that are left to be thrown.

Bane responds, "I die. I choose that I die." Then after a brief pause,"I believe your count was five hundred and six?"

"Bane was created to be a badass, but somewhere along the line he lost his way," says writer Gail Simone when asked to comment on Bane's badassedness. "Having him tell Junior the correct count of the number of bricks left to be thrown is one of my favorite Six moments of all time."

Ours too Gail. Ours too.

Did we mention that Bane even managed to get one arm loose during all of this to kill a guy?

THAT was badass.

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